Monday, March 31, 2008

Weather in Cairo

The weather in Cairo is so unpredictable. Ten days back, I was sure that summer was almost upon us….it had become really warm. Going out in the afternoon-even with the air-conditioning on-was quite a chore. The temperature was close to 37 degrees centigrade. And to top it, we had been having power cuts, almost 7-8 times in a day, albeit for a few minutes at a time.

And now since the past week , it has been quite pleasant, no need for airconditioners anymore and the evenings are chilly. In fact, yesterday, when we visited Saqquara and Dahsur, a strong wind even blew away our caps. Also, this evening, we took the Nile Pharaoh cruise and regretted not having dressed warmly….we were literally shivering. But I love it this way-the weather is just perfect for outdoor visitsJ

February to April are the months when the “Khamsiin” blows-khamsiin is a wind that blows the dust into every nook and cranny of your house-if it is not already there! There have been a couple of minor “khamsiins” but I have yet to experience a full fledged one when the skies will turn leaden and when you look out, it will seem as if you are looking through a sea of sand. Whew! The cleaning of the house will have to be undertaken on a war footing then!
By the way, I understand that this wind is known as "khamsiin" because it supposedly blows for fifty days and khamsiin means fifty in Arabic.

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